How to Make Natural Skin Bleach

Making a natural skin bleach can be easy; however, it will usually take at least a month before you see a visible difference. This is a great way for getting rid of unwanted pigmentation from the sun. Using natural products will not lighten your skin dramatically from your natural skin color. It is not advised to pursue unnatural chemicals to fully bleach your skin.


Method One of Three:
Using Food as Skin Bleach

Apply yogurt to your skin. Yogurt contains many natural ingredients that are good for the skin. It also contains lactic acid which contains bleaching properties. Simply rub yogurt onto your skin, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. To notice a change in your skin's complexion apply this technique once a day for several weeks.

Create an orange solution. Oranges contain vitamin C, which is one of the most important ingredients for your skin. They also contain citric acid, a natural bleaching property. For an effective solution mix two tablespoons of orange juice with a pinch of ground turmeric powder.Apply to your skin and let it set in for 20-30 minutes, then wash it off. Do this daily for increased results.

Use papayas. Papayas are regularly used in beauty products and can naturally lighten your skin. Simply eating papayas will release the powerful cleansing properties to your skin. For a stronger cream:Mash a ripe papaya and mix it with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage the ointment to your skin and leave it settle for 20-30 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Do this at least once a week for noticeable results.

Use cucumbers. Cucumbers contain collagen, which makes your skin supple and firm. These features are said to enhance a lighter skin tone. A popular treatment at spas is to place cucumber slices onto your eyes to lighten and cleanse the pores around your eyes.Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice and a 1/2 cup of cucumber juice together to create topical ointment to lighten your skin. Apply to your skin 10-15 minutes on a daily basis.

Exfoliate your skin using oatmeal.Exfoliating your skin encourages the growth of new skin cells by scrubbing it with an abrasive cleanser. This will improve your skin tone by renewing the old skin cells. Create the following mixture:Mix 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal with 1/2 cup of tomato juice. Apply to your skin and let it soak for 20 minutes, and then wash it off using cold water. When scrubbing the mixture off, be sure to scrub gently so the oatmeal can properly exfoliate your skin.

Method Two of Three:
Applying Oils and Extracts

Apply licorice root extract. Licorice is an Ayurvedic medicine, which helps many skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and is an effective skin lightening agent. You should be able to find this in various health stores.Apply a thin layer onto your skin using a cotton ball before going to bed. Then wash off the applied areas in the morning.[1]

Use almond oil. Almond oil contains various skin lightening ingredients like unsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, minerals and vitamins E, B6, B2, and PP. Heat the oil before applying by boiling water and place the oil in a steel bowl on top of the water. Don't let the oil get too hot before applying.Massage the warmed oil onto your skin for about 10-15 minutes a day for best results.[2]

Use mulberry extract. Mulberry extract will help lighten your skin by inhibiting tyrosinase activity. Be sure to dilute the extract before applying to your skin. Simply mix 3-6 drops of liquid mulberry extract to your favorite lotion and apply to your skin.Use this combination onto your skin twice a day for lighter skin.[3]

Method Three of Three:
Using Plants and Other Natural Remedies

Use Aloe Vera. Aloe contains a compound called aloesin, which also helps inhibit tyrosinase activity. The application of aloe vera will provide your skin with a smooth, soft, and brighter skin tone. Open up raw leaves of aloe with a knife to extract the beneficial gel inside. You could also purchase aloe vera gel, if you don't want to manually extract the gel.Apply to your skin up to four times a day for about 15 days. After this time period, reduce the amount you apply to your skin.[4]

Create of kojic acid cream. Kojic acid is a natural derivative of mushrooms and other types of fungus. This became a popular whitening technique that originated in Japan. It is another way of inhibiting the tyrosinase activity, which helps lighten the skin naturally.Wash your face before application.Mix kojic acid with favorite type of lotion. Be sure not to use too much kojic acid in your mixture. Follow the recommended use on the packaging. It is very important that you do not go over the recommended amount because it can become toxic.Apply to your skin up to twice a day.There is a possibility of this solution to cause skin irritation. Test the mixture on a small patch of skin before using a larger application. If you have cuts or open wounds, do not apply this solution.[5]

Use Indian gooseberry. Indian gooseberry is another plant that contains a lot of natural vitamin C. [6] You can either find raw Indian gooseberry, which could be difficult depending on where you are, or you can purchase an extract from a health store. You can either consume it orally, in the form of a pill, or apply as a topical cream.Follow the recommended dosage on the packaging if you buy an extract.

Create a gram flour mask. This is a popular skin lightening method that's been used for centuries in Asia. Gram flour acts as a natural exfoliate, which helps promote the growth of new skin cells. Mix these ingredients in a bowl: 1 tablespoon of gram flower or chickpea flower, 1/2 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of milk cream, and 2-5 drops of lemon juice. [7]Stir the ingredients till they congeal into a paste.Apply the mask to your skin and wait 10-15 minutes, or until it dries completely.Wash off the paste with lukewarm water afterwards.For best results repeat this process daily for about a month.[8]

Quick Summary

One way to bleach your skin using natural products is by using food products. Because of its high vitamin C content, a solution of orange juice and turmeric powder is a great natural skin bleach. Papaya juice mixed with lemon juice also works to cleanse and lighten skin. Alternatively, you can look for oils and extracts that have lightening agents in them, such as licorice root extract or mulberry extract. Finally, many plant products can help lighten skin, including aloe vera gel and Indian gooseberry products.


Quit smoking for better results.

Use sunscreen if you know you're going to be exposed to the sun.

Keep your skin hydrated to avoid many skin problems.

Healthy diets promote healthy skin.


The lemons or any other citrus fruit you added to the mixture contains citric acid, and if used excessively it can damage the skin.

Careful to avoid some natural bleaching agents like lemon, tomato, etc. if you're they're known allergens.[9]

Avoid skin products that contain mercury as an ingredient.[10]

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