Gugu Gumende amazing in the latest pictures

Gugu Gumede has never kept her religion a secret and is one of the Mzansi celebs who flaunts her proudly Christian status, even in the era of “woke”.She said that particularly in the age of social media, the world was filled with people ready to tell you how to live your life and in the time that she’s been single she had heard all kind of opinions about her decision.

However, she said she’d learnt a while back that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that people will often offer unsolicited advice.

Virgin drinks for virgin hearts. now look at me shining without you.

We love how she mix and match her African attires, we must admit that she looks Fabulous and Stunning.

The mindset of a queen.

Probably the worst makeup I’ve ever done in the shortest time. Let down my walls and allowed

Don’t mistake me for the usual – this is not a human being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience. recognize greatness.

Source: Instagram/News365coza

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